About New Wave Clinic

Alternative Medicine Consults

At New Wave Clinic, we are pioneers in the realm of Natural Medicine Therapy, dedicated to harnessing the healing power of natural medicine therapy treatments to improve the well-being of our patients.

Author Name

Senior Doctor

Dr Ali Chatroodi

A Streamlined Process

Our Doctors are all authorised prescribers, meaning patients can commence their journey with alternative medicine after consults if deemed eligible

Why Chose Us

Short Story About New Wave Clinic

Our clinic is operated by a passionate team of Registered Doctors and Nurses who specialise in offering personalised, innovative healthcare solutions.With a focus on holistic well-being, our Doctors have successfully provided thousands of patients across Australia with affordable, effective alternative medicinal consultations and treatments.

  • Experienced Registered Doctors
  • Affordable Telehealth Consults
  • Customised Treatment Plans
  • No Referrals Required
How It Woks

Following 3 Steps


Book A Consult

Book your initial telehealth appointment with one of our Doctors at a time /date that suits.

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Attend Consult

Attend the Telehealth consult with a New Wave Clinic Doctor to discuss condition and treatment options.

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Receive Treatment

If deemed eligible by our Doctors you will be sent an E-script to collect your Alternative Medications.